Camp Adventure

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Episode Summary

Welcome to Camp Adventure! Today, we learn about the strength of teamwork. We will also visit space, practice saying mantras, and more with our fellow campers.

Episode Notes

Welcome to Camp Adventure! Today, we learn about the strength of teamwork. We will also visit space, practice saying mantras, and more with our fellow campers.

* Share your camp adventures on social media using #AKCAsummer or write to us at We love, love, love hearing from you.

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Episode Transcription

Camp Adventure: A Kids Summer Camp Podcast

S2 E05 Teamwork Makes the Dream Work


[bugle plays a welcome]

Louis: What's up? It's Camp Counselor Louis. 

Welcome to Camp Adventure. The camp in your bedroom or living room. The camp that's in the bus or in the car. Camp Adventure is for you, no matter who you are. 

Every week we have a theme, and this week's theme is “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.”

I'm gonna be passing it over to the wonderful Camp Counselor Ben so you can hear more about teamwork. Take it away, Counselor Ben.


Ben: Well, good morning campers. This is counselor Ben, and we are checking in for another day of Camp Adventure. 

I love checking in for Camp Adventure. It's fantastic, isn't it? 

Well, I hope you're doing well. I know that we're coming from all around the world and we have all kinds of different places we live, communities we belong to, schools we go to, all kinds of stuff. And here's another one: teams. 

I've been thinking about this. What kind of teams do you belong to? Maybe soccer teams or baseball or basketball or track teams, swimming teams. Well, all kinds of different teams, I'm sure for sports, but sometimes we're part of different kinds of teams working on projects together.

You might be a part of a team that goes around and cleans up the sidewalks, or the roads. Might be a team that helps other people in town. What kind of teamwork have you ever done? What does it even mean to do work together as a team? 

You working on making points during the sports game? Are you working on accomplishing something together? Whatever it means to be a part of a team.

I heard once in a movie that it's awesome. That everything is awesome when you're a part of a team, I don't know. Have you ever heard that song? I heard that in a movie one time. 

It is true though. Being a part of a team can be a wonderful, deeply human kind of thing. I wonder sometimes if people aren't made to be on teams together always? 

What if it's true that we were always, we're always better off when we're working together, instead of working apart? Working together toward a goal, instead of working against each other, uh, that's at the very heart of teamwork. 

Glad to be with you and glad to start the day with some songs from our fearless music leader, amy. Amy, thank you so much for loving us and leading us this way. It's fantastic. So let's welcome Amy, and pass it off to her.


Aimee: Hello campers. It's Counselor Aimee. 

What a great day to be together again! I'm so happy. We can go on an adventure. 

Let's use our imagination to travel to Austria. Austria is a place in Europe.  There are beautiful mountains in Austria and yodeling is a form of singing that Austrians have used for many, many years.

And you can still hear it today in a lot of their music. 

Now we're gonna sing a song about a yodeler on a mountain, and he's passing a message to some other villages across the mountain. And I'm gonna need your help. Do you know what a yodel is? 

It sounds like this: Yodel Lay Hee Hoo!

Here is our song about an Austrian, which is a person from Austria in Europe, traveling on a mountain so high. 

Verse 1

Oh, an Austrian went yodeling on a mountain so high, 

when along came a cuckoo bird interrupting his cry.


Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Ho-lah kee-kee-ah, oooooh.

Verse 2

Oh, an Austrian went yodeling on a mountain so high, 

when along came a grizzly bear interrupting his cry.


Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )


Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )


Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )


Ho-lah kee-kee-ah, oooooh.

Aimee: Will you help me with the cuckoos and the girls?

Verse 3

Oh, an Austrian went yodeling on a mountain so high, 

when along came an avalanche interrupting his cry.


Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble.

Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble.

Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble.

Ho-lah kee-kee-ah, oooooh.

Verse 4

Oh, an Austrian went yodeling on a mountain so high, 

when along came a St. Bernard…

Aimee: Which is a really big mountain dog that helps people rescue when they're in avalanche. 

…interrupting his cry.


Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble. Woof-woof.

Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble. Woof-woof.

Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble. Woof-woof.

Ho-lah kee-kee-ah, oooooh.

Aimee: Our last one. What's something fun that we do on a mountain? Snowboarding or skiing. 

Verse 4

Oh, an Austrian went yodeling on a mountain so high, 

when along came a skier interrupting his cry.


Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble. Woof-woof. Swish!

Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble. Woof-woof. Swish!

Ho - leeeee - aaaah,

ho-lah kee-kee-ah, ho-lah coo-koo coo-koo ( cuckoo )

Grrrrrrr. Rumble-Rumble. Woof-woof. Swish!

Ho-lah kee-kee-ah, oooooh.

Aimee: I hope you had fun on our adventure today in the mountains of Austria.

Maybe one day you will get to see snow covered mountains and go skiing or snowboarding or snowshoeing or even look at pictures of mountains. 

Thanks for listening and singing along.

And now we are onto Counselor Louis!

Louis: All right. Before we move on, let's take a quick break. 

And when we get back, we've got a whole bunch of fun planned. 

We'll be right back.


Louis: Welcome back. Welcome back. 

I hope you're feeling great after that break. Next up, we have Camp Counselor Duke. And he has a joke for you. So I hope you're ready to laugh. Take it away, Counselor Duke.


Duke: Howdy. Howdy. Howdy. Howdy campers. 

It is Camp Counselor Duke, here with another joke for you. 

So there I was at the park. I wondered why the Frisbee kept getting bigger and bigger, and then it hit me.

Gabby: Hello, hello campers. 

It's Camp Counselor Gabby reporting to camp adventure once again. I hope you've all been enjoying camp and are having as much fun as I am. I love getting to share this time with you and grow our brains with new and fun facts.

Today, we're going to be astronauts for a little bit, because we are getting in our imaginary rocket ships, buckling up, and heading to space for the trivia question.

So take a deep breath in and let it out. And breathe in that fresh outer space air. 

Are you ready for the question? Here we go. My question for you today is: Which planet in our solar system is known for having a big red spot on it? Is it A) Jupiter, B) Saturn, C) Earth or D) Venus? 

I know all the planets can get a little confusing, so I'm gonna repeat the question one more time.  

My question for you today is which planet in our solar system is known for having a big red spot on it? Is it A) Jupiter, B) Saturn, C) Earth or D) Venus? 

Like always you can hit pause right now if you need a little bit more time to think, then click play when you're ready for the answer.

Okay. My fellow honorary astronauts. Are you ready for the answer? 

Drum roll, please. 

The answer is A. The planet known for having a big red spot on it is Jupiter. Jupiter is such a cool planet. Not only does it have a big red spot on it, but it is also the largest planet in our solar system. In fact, Jupiter is 11 times wider than earth. Can you believe that? That is a gigantic planet?  

Also Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in our solar system. 

A fun fact about me is that I do not like to spin fast because then I get super dizzy. Does that happen to you? Hmm. I wonder if astronauts in space get dizzy a lot too. Maybe that's a fun fact for another time.

Okay friends, I think it's time we land our rockets back on Earth. 

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Jupiter with me today.  Space is so big and there are so many fun facts to learn about all the planets and stars out there. Hey, maybe you can do some fact-finding of your own before we talk next.

As always, I'll be back in a few weeks with more facts to share with you. Until then keep learning new and fun things in that wonderful and growing mind of yours. 

I'll talk to you all very soon. 


Emma: Hey campers, it's camp counselor Emma here. How have you been enjoying your time at camp so far? It's been so much fun, right? As always, I'm super happy to be with you today. We've shared some cool, mindful moments together this summer. And I'm curious to know, have you used any of those practices outside of camp adventure?

Maybe the grounding visualization or taking some good deep breaths?  Today, I have another great mindfulness activity to add to your tool belt. We are going to talk about mantras. Have you heard of a mantra before? Have you ever written one yourself? Mantras are positive affirmations we can repeat to ourselves in times of stress or feeling overwhelmed or feeling down and they help us slow down and remember how capable we are of doing hard things.

It can be a sentence. It can be a single word. It can be a favorite song lyric. It can be anything that brings you calm and joy. There's something really special about hearing your own voice, tell you how strong, brave, and awesome you are. And just like the breathing exercises, you can do mantras anywhere.

Here's how we're going to practice today. I'll share a mantra with you and then give you time and space to repeat it out loud for yourself. Please know, these mantras are just examples and I encourage you to personalize them in a way that makes the most sense for. 

All right. Let's all get in a good comfy spot.

I like to close my eyes when I say my mantras, because it helps limit distractions. You could also stand in front of a mirror and really practice saying them to yourself. 

Are you ready? Let's do this. 

I am brave.

I am kind.

I am loved.

I have a beautiful imagination.

I am exactly where I need to be.

I am proud of who I am.

Okay. We're gonna go through those one more time.

I am brave. 

I am kind.

I am loved.

I have a beautiful imagination.

I am exactly where I need to be.

I am proud of who I am.

What did you think of that exercise? Are there other words or phrases you think would make great mantras? If so, I would love to hear from you. So please send those in. Campers, I love this time we get to spend together and I can't wait to see you next time. Bye for now.

Louis: Hello. Hello. I am back. It's counselor Louis back at your service. 

That joke from Counselor Duke was pretty funny, but it did take me a little second to get it. 

As always Counselor Gabby gave us a really cool fact as always 

Then Counselor Emma came in and gave us that peaceful mindfulness moment. 

So today has been extra fantastic spending time with you and Every time you you come to camp a perfect example of how Teamwork makes the dream work. 

You and all of us camp counselors come together to make camp amazing every single time.

Next week, I want you to get ready because Camp Counselor Ben will be sharing about an unsolved mystery. 

So before we go, here's a quick message from Counselor Matthew. 

Take it away.


Matthew: Thank you, Louis! And thank you campers and camp counselors for this time together! 

Share your camp adventures on social media using #AKBAsummer or write to us at We love, love, love hearing from you.

Camp Adventure is written by Ben Tertin with help from the A Kids Podcast About team. The singalong music was performed by Aimee Winner. 

The show is edited and produced by Matthew Winner. 

Audio production is by Chad Michael Snavely and the team at Sound On Studios. Our executive producer is Jelani Memory. And this show was brought to you by A Kids Podcast About.

Follow the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever podcasts are found and check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting While you’re there, be sure to check out Ben’s book, A Kids Book About Adventure. 

See you back at camp next week for another adventure!