Camp Adventure

You Matter

Episode Summary

Welcome to Camp Adventure! Today, we talk about why you really, truly matter. We will also learn a fact about space, hear a funny joke, and more with our fellow campers.

Episode Notes

Welcome to Camp Adventure! Today, we talk about why you really, truly matter. We will also learn a fact about space, hear a funny joke, and more with our fellow campers.

* Share your camp adventures on social media using #AKCAsummer or write to us at We love, love, love hearing from you.

Follow the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever podcasts are found and check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting While you’re there, be sure to check out Ben’s book, A Kids Book About Adventure. 

Episode Transcription

Camp Adventure: A Kids Summer Camp Podcast

S2 E11 You Matter


[bugle plays a welcome]

Louis: Welcome to Camp Adventure. The camp in your bedroom or living room. The camp that's in the bus or in the car. Camp Adventure’s for everyone, no matter who you are. 

My name is Counselor Louis and every week we have a theme. This week's theme is “You Matter”. 

I'm gonna pass it over to the wonderful Camp Counselor Ben so you can hear more about this week's theme.


Ben: Okay, here we go. All right, Louis thank you so much. 

And yes, this is Counselor Ben, and we are kicking off another day of camp adventure with all of you campers. Wherever you are far or near, you might be in the big urban city or out in the country. Wherever you are around planet earth. We know that you've got listeners all around the world. It's the coolest thing to know that camp adventure, campers come from all over the place. Wherever you are, I hope that this finds you well, I hope that you're doing okay. 

We've got a cool day today. Uh, a really, well, let me just ask you a question. Uh, I think I already know the answer, but I want to ask it. Have you ever in your life, uh, felt like you just don't matter? Like you're just not that important. I know when I was a kid, but even as a grown up now, I still struggle with that feeling. It's kinda like anytime somebody mistreats you or ignores you, maybe rejects you, you, you just kinda end up feeling like “I must not be important. I must not matter. No, nobody must care about me.” 

Oh my goodness, that might be one of the most painful experiences. It's like, it's worse than getting punched.  I just hate that feeling. And I, I'm sorry that each of us will feel it as we grow up. I know if you're a person, you've probably felt that too. 

Well, we wanna talk about the truth today related to that. And that is you do matter, you matter more than anything else. 

Each of us are human beings. If you're a human being. And I assume because you're listening to this, you must be. If you're a human being, you really, really matter. I think that you matter more than anything. And I think that's true of every human being.

We are very… We're, we're infinitely beautiful and wonderful things, us people. So we'll talk about that. But the most important thing I wanna say today is that you matter. Who you are wherever you are, whomever you are, you matter a lot. 

Okay, well, we'll have that and other things to do and play and all of that on a normal day at camp. I'm looking forward to it.

And as we do at this time, we've gotta stretch our legs. Kick our feet out a little bit. Maybe move your arms up and down and flutter 'em. You know, take some deep breaths, get ready. Aimee’s gonna come up. Counselor Aimee, you've been doing such a beautiful job leading us in music. Would you take it away again, uh, and lead us again? 

Let's give it up. Let's give it up for Aimee.


Aimee: Hello campers. It's cCounselor Aimee. I'm so glad that we are together again today for camp. 

It's raining here, where I am. I'm not sure what the weather is like for you, but sometimes we have rainy days. And I really do like the rain. 

You may have heard this song about the rain before. It's when we can pretend that the rain and other precipitation… What is precipitation? Hmm. Maybe something that falls out of the sky. What do you think? 

So this song is all about precipitation and the raindrops and using our imagination to pretend that it's wonderful things that we could eat and enjoy. Do you have a sweet tooth? 

All right. Our song today is called “If All The Rain Drops.”

When we get to the chorus, I'll need your help to open your mouth really big, stick out your tongue, and say, “Ah. Ah ah-ah. Ah ah-ah. Ah ah-ah.

The sillier you are, the more fun you'll have. At least I hope so. 

So today's song is “If All The Rain Drops.'' Let's get started. 

If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops. 

Oh, what a rain it would be.

Standing outside with my mouth open wide. (Here we go.)

Ah. Ah ah-ah. Ah ah-ah. Ah ah-ah.

If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops.

Oh, what a rain it would be. 

Now, if you want to sing it again, we can put some action words to it. So when we say raindrops or snowflakes, your fingers can sprinkle down. And then your arms way up high, “Oh, what world it would be.” Then, you know what to do. Standing outside with our tongue out wide. Our mouth open wide. You can put your hands on your hips, open that mouth real big and stick out your tongue. And that kinda works for all the verses.

(*and then we’re going to play the whole song from the top)

If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops. 

Oh, what a rain it would be.

Standing outside with my mouth open wide. (Here we go.)

Ah. Ah ah-ah. Ah ah-ah. Ah ah-ah.

If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops.

Oh, what a rain it would be. 

If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes, 

Oh, what a snow it would be. Brrrr!

Standing outside with my mouth open wide.

Eh. Eh eh-eh. Eh eh-eh. Eh eh-eh.

If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes, 

Oh, what a snow it would be. 

If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops. 

Oh, what a rain it would be.

Standing outside with my mouth open wide. 

Ah. Ah ah-ah. Ah ah-ah. Ah ah-ah.

If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops.

Oh, what a rain it would be.

If all the sun beams were bubble gum and ice cream. 

Oh, what a sun it would be.

Standing outside with my mouth open wide. (Here we go.)

Eh. Eh eh-eh. Eh eh-eh. Eh eh-eh.

If all the sun beams were bubble gum and ice cream. 

Oh, what a sun it would be.

 I hope you're having a beautiful day, no matter what the weather is, where you are. 

Now onto you, Counselor Louis.

Louis: All right. So before we move on, let's take a quick break. And when we get back, we will keep camp going. 

We'll be right back.


Louis: Welcome back. 

I hope you're feeling great

Next up, a few other camp counselors have some things to share with you. But first we have Counselor Duke.


Duke: Hello, you wonderful people. Camp Counselor Duke here. 

Ready to shine a ray of sunshine on your day with a little bit of humor? 

This is a zinger. A real zinger of a joke. I hope you like it as much as I do. You ready? Here we go. Yes. 

What is red and smells like blue paint? You're never going to guess this one.

I'm just going to tell you. Red paint.

Oh boy. Oh boy.

Gabby: Hello, campers! It's Camp Counselor Gabby, here to deliver the final trivia question of camp. 

I cannot believe that this is my last fact for you all. It feels like just yesterday we were learning about bats and zebras. Look at how far you've come. You've learned so many new things these past few weeks. Give yourself a round of applause.

Well, to end our series, I thought we would take one more trip to outer space because I think you're out of this world. 

So slide into your astronaut suits and hop in those rockets. Cuz I'm about to ask you my final trivia question. 

My question for you today is what is the hottest planet in our solar system? Is it A) Mars, B) Saturn, C) Neptune, or D) Venus?

I'll repeat the question one more time, just in case you missed anything. 

My question for you today is what is the hottest planet in our solar system? Is it A) Mars, B) Saturn, C) Neptune, or D) Venus? 

Like always you can hit pause right now if you need a little bit more time to think. Then click play when you're ready for the answer.

Okay my fellow astronauts, are you ready for the answer? 

One final drum roll, please. 

The answer is D the hottest planet in our solar system is Venus. The temperature on Venus is approximately 465 degrees Celsius, which is 870 degrees Fahrenheit. That is very, very, very hot. 

Imagine the hottest day in summer. The sun is shining right on your face. You just went on the longest run. You are dripping with sweat. Even then, when you're feeling all of that heat, it is nowhere near as hot here on Earth as it is on Venus. 

In comparison, the coldest planet in our solar system is Uranus. The lowest temperature recorded there is negative 224 degrees Celsius, which is negative 435 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Phew, that's a big difference between the two. 

Would you rather be super hot or super cold? I think I prefer to be super cold on Uranus. But only if I can bring my favorite sweater. 

Well, okay folks. I guess it's time to land our rocket ships and say goodbye. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn all of these new and fun facts with me. Remember that you can always learn new things on your own. You don't need me. You have a great big brain just waiting to be filled with your own trivia facts. 

I can't wait to hear all of your new facts whenever we meet again. Until then, keep learning new and fun things in that wonderful mind of yours.

And I'll be here cheering you on the whole time. 

Bye, everyone.

Matthew: Okay. I am back here with my favorite camper in the whole wide world. What is your name? 

Julia: Julia. 

Matthew: Yeah. And Julia, how old are you? 

Julia: Seven. 

Matthew: And how are we related? 

Julia: Um, we have the same color to eyes. 

Matthew: We do have the same colored eyes! But are you related to me in any other way? 

Julia: Yes. 

Matthew: How?

Julia: We, like… 

Matthew: Jules? I'm your… dad. Not just do we have the same color eyes, but I'm your daddy. Of course. So I brought you here to play a game called “And Then What Happened?” And the way we play this game is that one of us tells a story. You get to make up what the story is about, but the person telling the story has to share as much as they can. And then the other person might say, “And then what happened?” And if the other person says, “And then what happened?”, you have to keep telling the story. 

So do you wanna tell the story, or should I tell the story? 

Julia: Um, can you? 

Matthew: I will tell the story today. Which means you get to tell me what am I talking about.

What's gonna be the topic. 

Julia: Um, what is the story about? 

Matthew: Yeah, tell me what, what should I have it be about, um, what person or place or thing or animal or whatever, should it be. 

Julia: Um, a narwhal. 

Matthew: A narwhal. Okay. So, Hmm. Narwhal story in my brain. Okay. 

So Julia, once upon a time, there was a narwhal. Now I know that you and I read a narwhal comic book that we really love. So I'm not gonna say that story. I'm gonna make a totally different one. 

And it's a good thing because this narwhal story is about a unicorn. There was a unicorn named Uni-Narwhal and Uni-Narwhal lived under the ocean in Antarctica. And she had a special horn that could fire rainbows at anybody trying to eat her. So whenever a shark was coming by or whatever, whatever other dangerous thing is in the ocean, big, scary octopus Uni-Narwhal would shoot rainbows out of its tusk and it would turn those weird animals into nice animals. 

Julia: And then? 

Matthew: No? Uh oh. You're gonna ask me another thing? 

Julia: And then what happened? 

Matthew: Well, all of the animals were suddenly nice and covered in rainbow scales in rainbow colors. And that made everyone under the ocean super, super happy. So they had a dance party and they ate, um, ice cream seaweed, ice cream, and they partied, uh, until they were all so sleepy that they just fell. 

Julia: Okay. 

Matthew: The end? 

Julia: Question? 

Matthew: Oh, you're gonna ask me a question? Okay. What's the question? 

Julia: So first the, um, animals were mean, and then the narwhal made them nice?

Matthew: Yep. The rainbow made them nice. And they had a party. Are we all done? Or do I have to tell you another “And then what happened”? 

Julia: Okay, you're done. 

Matthew: I'm done? Yay. All the animals lived happily ever after under the ocean where they had rainbow dance parties forever and ever. The end. 

Did you like my story? 

Julia: Yeah. 

Matthew: Oh, good. What's the name of the character again? Uni-Narwhal. 

Oh, maybe I'll dress up as a Uni-Narwhal one day for Halloween or something. Would that be funny? 

Yeah? All right. I love you. 

Julia: Love you.

 Louis: Hello. It is I, again. I hope you've been enjoying camp.

So, I love listening to what the other camp counselors share.

Next week, get ready for our campfire episode, where Counselor Ben will be sharing about being lost at sea.

As always it's been super fantastic spending time with you today.

And before we go, here's a quick message from counselor Matthew. 


Matthew: Thank you, Louis! And thank you campers and camp counselors for this time together! 

Share your camp adventures on social media using #AKBAsummer or write to us at We love, love, love hearing from you.

Camp Adventure is written by Ben Tertin with help from the A Kids Podcast About team. The singalong music was performed by Aimee Winner. 

The show is edited and produced by Matthew Winner. 

Audio production is by Chad Michael Snavely and the team at Sound On Studios. Our executive producer is Jelani Memory. And this show was brought to you by A Kids Podcast About.

Follow the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever podcasts are found and check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting While you’re there, be sure to check out Ben’s book, A Kids Book About Adventure. 

See you back at camp next week for another adventure!